Monday, July 21, 2008

Surgery Tomorrow

Ok, so tomorrow...actually in less than 12 hours I'll be going in for surgery on my nose...inside work, not outside work.

I'm freaking out a little and in over preparation mode. I've already prepared my surgery bag...drivers license, insurance card, book, water (for after surgery), pain meds just in case we can't have pain meds filled in Reno because I'm in too much pain that I need to get my happy ass home.

I'm currently importing my Para Yoga CD for mental relaxation to be put on Justin's IPOD, just in case I'm really freaking out.

I'm going into surgery at 8:30 am...have to be there by 7:00 am and we have to leave Fernley at 6:00 am. It's going to be at a hospital and I'm being put under general anesthesia.

Say a prayer, keep your fingers crossed...that I make it! not that I die!...jackasses. haha. I make me laugh.

I may or may not update my blog depending on how I feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prayin' - and waiting for another text message. It's 9:00am....45 minutes after the first one and I haven't heard anything. I NEED AN UPDATE!!!!!