Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"How'd it go?" you ask...

So we had our first night of FrightMare Mansion on Saturday. After 12 hours of preparation on Saturday (with lots of help)...apparently there were many things that still needed to get done, even though they didn't "need" to, we were slammed. The busiest I've been in a long time. And stressed.

Our volunteers all showed up on time and were eating pizza by 5:30. We put everyone in their places by 6:30. And by that time, we already had people waiting in line. Super exciting. We sent the first group through...awesome. All of the actors did well, it was a great group and time to send the next group through. But there was no group to send. After 10 minutes another group showed up...awesome! People must be running late. Oh no.

We had 84 people go through all night. It's disappointing because 84 people was a big hit about 7 years ago. Now it's well, frustrating. Especially since we gave out more than 230 VIP night tickets (that are also good to bypass the line on Halloween and Nov 1st). That is where we went wrong, thinking people would heed our advise and show up on the Saturday before...they did not.

I'm wondering if the VIP line on Halloween will be longer than our our regular line for non-ticketed guests. I hope not.

Regardless, Halloween night should be a record breaking night for us. And it was really nice to have a "practice run" to get all of the kinks out (because there were a few).

So if you are reading this and you live in Fernley and would like to be an actor for Halloween night or Nov 1st, let me know...we are going to need the help! We need more actors for our front line and a couple inside. But please have a desire to act, this is a night for eccentricities. The louder you can scream or the stealthier you can be the better.

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