Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Food Drive

Back in November SOAR Physical Therapy (where I work) was challenged by Fernley Chiropractic to a food drive. The objective was simple: whichever office gets the most nonperishable food, by weight, by December 19th, wins. The loosing office has to take the winning office out to lunch. We didn't know that this office has been challenging other offices for 5 years. We didn't know that they have never lost. They didn't know how competitive we are.

I'm not going to go into details of how we did it (in case someone from their office or one of their patients reads my blog and will give away our secrets). But we did in fact beat them. They brought in Four Hundred and some odd pounds of canned food. Which is awesome! But we at SOAR Physical Therapy brought in 949 pounds of food. More than double what they brought in.

Our story was covered here in the Fernley Leader Courier.

The results were covered here in the Fernley Leader Courier.

But the real winners were people in our community who needed the food because together we raise over 1300 pounds of food.

And tomorrow we are going out to lunch with the other office to collect our prize.

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