Monday, January 7, 2008

Fernley Flood

On Friday, we had the most rain that I had ever seen here in Fernley, it was 7 straight hours of pouring-San Jose-type rain. Streets were flooding, to get into my car I stepped through 4 inches of standing water. Thankfully, Justin and I live at the top of a slight inclined hill. So all of the water just ran past us.

Justin and I woke up to a phone call on Saturday morning at around 7:00 am from our friend Scott, telling us about a flood that has happened in Fernley effecting between 400-800 homes. A 150 section of our canal that runs the length of the town had broke, washed away. Our house was not involved, thank God! We are live about a quarter mile from where the Red Cross has set up to attend to evacuees.

We drove through some affected areas and the damage is terrible. Some of our customers are effected. Our hearts go out to everyone who has damage because of this. The levy broke at 4:30 in the morning and people were still being rescued from their rooftops by helicopters at 11:00 am. The Naval base in Fallon had a couple of helicopters running, the Nevada Highway Patrol blocked off areas, the Lyon County Fire Department seemed like it was everywhere at once. Then we had officials from the State (The Governor, Senators, etc.) come to Fernley on Saturday. FEMA is now on site. And of course the Red Cross. I'm so impressed with the Red Cross, they were out in Fernley so fast and had already set up base at the Fernley High School.

Justin and I are especially touched by all of the phone calls we received. Our little town made national news. Our phone rang ALL DAY on Saturday and Sunday. I had to ask Justin to turn down the volume on our ringers because the constant noise was starting to drill a hole right through my brain. And that is never good. But all of the love we felt is ALWAYS good. So thank you to everyone who called and have made us feel very, very special.

This is where the canal broke.

Someone videotaped.

A good perspective from many different areas of Fernley.

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