Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jittery feeling gone...

Thanks, Carol for asking about the jittery feeling. I thought since you were wondering the outcome, so may others...

I couldn't figure out why I had the jittery feeling yesterday, all day. I took a pregnancy test (just in case), it was negative. I went home last night after work to an empty house and checked all of the closets, hiding spots, etc. because I thought that maybe someone had broken in. The worst thing that happened yesterday is that it was super windy in the afternoon (a dust storm blacked out views it was so windy) and Justin had left the house with a couple of windows open. That was it. But at least the feeling is gone.

Now it is just a slight feeling of excitement. Not sure why. But I'm ready for exciting stuff to ensue.

On a super happy note. Justin picked up his 5 year anniversary present yesterday: a slate pool table off of Craigslist. We had a wooden pool table that we bought last year for about $100. But it is now warped. We aren't sure exactly why, but we think it was an ex-roommate, who will remain nameless, was getting busy on it. Who knows really, I'm just speculating here. So Justin and his friend, Scott, went get the pool table. They left at 10am for Reno. By 1pm they had the pool table disassembled to carry down a flight of stairs...the slate was in 3 pieces and they had a hard time carrying it because each piece was so heavy. They then had to go buy felt and reupholster the table. They then brought the pool table back to Fernley in hurricane strength winds...put the table together, re-felted the top and were playing a game of pool by 9pm. Its awesome that Justin has a friend that he can accomplish something with and get a project done in a day and not be so annoyed as he has done with past friend(s) who shall remain nameless.

So it dawned on me yesterday after Justin had possession of his anniversary present that since he has possession of his present, as soon as my ring is delivered...I can, by all fairness, wear my anniversary present...no? So I used this logic on him yesterday afternoon. He just laughed. And said that yes, I can wear my ring as soon as I get it. Yay, I win! Or does Justin because he is able to play a game of pool today? It's a win-win. The best of all the wins.

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