Sunday, August 5, 2007

Halloween, Saturday Night Fever and Iced Coffee

Halloween: The Halloween preparations have officially begun. In August for October. Well, we have to start now Justin and I both have some big projects to do. We are, for the first time, going to have an alternative to buying huge sheets of black plastic for our Haunted House walls. I hate using the black plastic for a couple of reasons. (1) It's expensive (2) We can't use it again and again (3) I have to paint the walls in florescent paint that glows under black lights each year. So I have decided to use sheets and dye them black and paint them with fabric paint. And those we will be able to use over and over again. Oh Mom has offered to sew the sheets if we need them longer or wider. YES! I don't have to sew...I hate sewing. THANK YOU MOM! We now just have to go to the laundry mat and dye them in those washers (and do an extra empty rise afterward..stop it!) because I don't want to do that in our washer. And then I have to test the multitude of different types, colors and brands of paint under the black light on a piece of dyed fabric to make sure it all glows the way we want it to.

We are lucky enough to have a bunch of sheets donated to us. There is a woman at Bank of America (hi Sue!) who has a friend who works for the local hospital. She was able to get us at least 20 twin fitted sheets (I will have to cut them to flatten out, but's the perfect price...Free 99 - as Justin would say). And then we put an ad on Craigslist and had a woman here in Fernley donate a bag of sheets to us. Then we went to the Salvation Army and Good Will and bought ourselves about 15 sheets for cheap. But cheap is not free. I prefer free.

Saturday Night Fever: Justin and I went out Saturday night to our local bar and hung out with our friends Daz and Christine. And Jeff showed up too. And our favorite locals were there. We all really had a wonderful time. It was one of those magical nights that I haven't had in a long, long while. Lots of laughing and good times.

Iced Coffee:
We went to McDonald's to get something to drink on Saturday while we were on the hunt for sheets (see Halloween section) and I bought one of their new iced coffees. Oh MY! It was the best iced coffee I've ever had (except for homemade of course). Better than Starbucks. Better than Fernley's gourmet coffee and their coffee is good.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I can't wait to try their new iced coffee. I have been slightly addicted to their hot coffee since they switched over to 'premium' - decaf of course, but the iced coffee sounds pretty good. I may drive by today and get one. :)